

PSMetrics is a module for metrics in PowerShell.

It lets us describe a metric in a simple script, named *.metric.ps1.

Once we’ve described a metric, it’s easy to calculate it from any appropriate input.

Once we’ve calculated a metric, it’s easy to format that metric any way we’d like.

PSMetrics includes formatters for ChartJS and PowerShell Universal

Using PSMetrics

You import metrics with Import-Metric. Once you have done this, you can use the metric a number of different ways.

# You can run the metric directly and get back it's data
Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse | FileSizeByExtension

# You can run the metric with an emoji alias to render it as a graph 
Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse | FileSizeByExtension📊

# You can provide an -OutputPath to export the HTML
Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse | FileSizeByExtension📊 -OutputPath .\FileSizeByExtension.html

# You can provide an -OutputPath that is a CSV or CLIXML to export the data
Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse | FileSizeByExtension📊 -OutputPath .\FileSizeByExtension.Clixml

PSMetrics Action

You can use PSMetrics in a GitHub action. Simply create a *.psmetrics.ps1 file and use the github action in your YAML.

- name: UsePSMetrics
  uses: StartAutomating/PSMetrics@main

Any files you output from the action will be checked into your repo (please make sure your github access token allows you to write to the repository)

Example Metrics

PSMetrics comes with a few example metrics you can use out of the box.

MetricName Synopsis
CommandsByNoun Commands By Noun
CommandsByType Commands By Type
CommandsByVerb Commands By Verb
FilesByExtension Gets files by extension
FileSizeByExtension File Size By Extension
PipeScriptFactor PipeScript Factor
TypesByNamespace Gets types by namespace

Tools that use PSMetrics

GitLogger uses PSMetrics to standardize the data you can visualize from a repository.